Rhubarb and Almond Cake

Mar 15, 2023

In Shetland, spring can be deceptive – it might seem it’s really here to stay this time, only to be swiftly pushed away again by days of blizzards and bitterly cold winds. But when it does finally arrive, it’s with vigour and elation. Everything in the garden is waking up after the long winter sleep and there are signs of new life everywhere. It’s such an uplifting feeling! And then the hotly anticipated, bright pink stalks of rhubarb appear, to officially mark the beginning of the new gardening season in Shetland.

  1. Helen Williams says:

    Fantasic cookery book and the rhubarb almond cake is very popular here in North Wales with my family and friends.
    Looking forward to order Journal Vol. 5 in the near future.

    Best Wishes and keep cooking and writing, next time when I am visiting the Shetland Isles, hope to say hello and meet you.

  2. Maryanne Peabody says:

    Thanks for the rhubarb and almond cake recipe. I will try it. It reminds me of my aunt Ree who always made rhubarb pie each early spring (after stewing it and often adding frozen strawberries or raspberries to sweeten it up.) I grew it in the garden of my first house but haven’t here. Perhaps I should plant some for next year.

  3. Nicola Langford says:

    Love all your publications, I have all 4 Shetland books and really enjoy the knitting patterns and the cookery book is beautiful too. Looking forward to part 5 😍

  4. Sandie says:

    Thank you for this recipe. I make your carrot cake over and over – it is so good. I am looking forward to trying this too!

  5. Lindy Barnes says:

    This cake sounds amazing and I’m definitely going to make it. Now that it’s nearly mid-May my rhubarb is just beginning to grow nicely here in northern Michigan, USA although it has never gotten as big as the rhubarb Misa is holding in the picture – that is truly amazing.

    I have the first 4 Shetland Journals and love every one of them.


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